The Research Office
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4486
(location map)
(248) 370-2762
(248) 370-4111
Faculty/Staff Resources
Reference materials and information on the various services offered by the Research Department are now located on two different websites: an internet site and an intranet site.
Much of the Research Office information relevant only to faculty and staff is now located on our Employee Resource Network (intranet) site, including information on:
- Internal and External Funding
- Developing Proposals and Research Ideas
- Submitting Proposals and Managing Grant and Contract Awards
- Research-related Training
- Tech Transfer
- detailed information on Regulatory Compliance
Employee Resource Network (intranet)
The Quick Links for Faculty page on the intranet provides faculty with a summary of resources across platforms. If you have difficulty finding something, please email
Information that is relevant to students and the public as well as faculty is here on our internet site. This includes information on:
- Student Research and Funding Opportunities
- Professional Development
- Collaboration Resources
- Community Engagement
- Technology, Commercialization and Economic Development
- Research-related Events and Training for Faculty, Students and Staff
- detailed information on Human Subject Research Compliance (IRB)
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